fintrac filing remediation services

Is your business struggling with a growing FINTRAC reporting backlog due to the F2R/FWR Outage?

The outage affects many of our clients, who cannot stop their busy daily activities to handle a backlog of unfiled FINTRAC reports.

It's essential to understand that FINTRAC has clearly stated that it's your responsibility to complete your filings once their reporting systems are restored. This means that you'll need to promptly file for at least March, April, May, and June when FINTRAC’s systems are fully operational again.

Our seasoned AML experts, equipped with skilled data entry teams and extensive filing expertise, are ready to assist you in getting back on track with your FINTRAC reporting. You can trust our capabilities to help you catch up on your filings. 

Additionally, our AML Technology Services can ensure your reporting is prepared by utilizing best-in-class AML systems and applications.

Get in touch with an AML expert today to get started.