CMSBA Fall Conference Networking Event
It's that time again! The Canadian MSB Association (CMSBA) is holding their Fall Conference on November 20-21, 2024.
The AML Shop is thrilled to again sponsor the networking event happening on November 20th from 5:30pm-7pm.
Marcelle Dadoun (Principal, Program Design and Special Advisory), Deanna Ladouceur (AML Advisor) and Sonia Yooshing (AML Advisor) from The AML Shop will be there and look forward to meeting you.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from and network with industry experts!
CMSBA Spring Training Networking Event
The AML Shop is proud to sponsor the Networking Event at this year’s CMSBA Spring Training!
Join leading MSB and AML experts at this not to miss event.
EFT Reporting Webinar
Ready to dive deep into the world of EFT reporting? Marcelle Dadoun CAMS, CAMS-Risk Management, CBP from The AML Shop is here to lead the way in this exclusive webinar. Hosted by Joseph Iuso, Executive Director of the Canadian MSB Association, you won't want to miss this insightful session. Join us online on May 2, 2024, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Secure your spot today!
This training session is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for accurate and efficient reporting of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transactions. Attendees will learn about the regulatory requirements, reporting standards, and the latest best practices in EFT documentation.It also covers key topics such as understanding EFT types, recognizing and preparing for compliance checks, navigating the EFT reporting system, identifying and reporting suspicious activities, and troubleshooting common reporting issues. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with the necessary tools to ensure their EFT reports are precise, timely, and compliant with financial regulations.
Updated CREA Forms and Automation Tools with The AML Shop, Fintracker and CREA
Join Adam Feldman from The AML Shop at an upcoming webinar hosted by Fintracker on March 6th at 2pm EST. This webinar is all about the updated CREA forms and how automation tools can help streamline the process.
Key Topics Include:
- Revisions to the client risk section of CREA's information record templates to assist members in ascertaining their client's risk of money laundering and terrorist financing.
- A revised receipt of funds template to make it clearer that information on the person providing the funds needs to be recorded.
- An updated risk assessment form that's intended to assist brokers, step-by-step, in determining their brokerage's risk of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Don't miss this valuable session!
RPAA: Ask The Experts - Your questions answered and everything you need to know.
On January 24th at 1pm ET join industry experts Marcelle Dadoun (Principal, Program Design and Special Advisory The AML Shop), Jackie Shinfield (Partner, Blakes) and newly added speaker, Phil Moran (Managing Director, Lexington Innovations) for this must-attend webinar on all things about the upcoming changes to the Retail Payments Activities act.
Register your attendance and submit your questions in advance here.
Bank of Canada RPAA Webinar - Understanding retail payments supervision
Note, there are two webinar times on this date.
French Webinar at 11am ET and English Webinar at 1pm ET.
via the Bank of Canada:
Get up to speed on important developments in the digital payments business!
You're invited to join a webinar on December 13, 2023, to learn about the registration requirements under the Retail Payment Activities Act (RPAA) and what will be expected of payment service providers.
To continue providing their services, payment service providers (PSPs) will be required to register with the Bank of Canada under the RPAA when the regulations come into force in November 2024. Now is the time to prepare and to make sure you understand how to meet the requirements.
In this webinar, attendees will learn who needs to register with the Bank, how to apply for registration, and when. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
This webinar will be held in French at 11:00 ET and in English at 13:00 ET.
This session is intended for payment industry professionals. Please feel free to share this invitation with interested colleagues
CrossTech World 2023
Join Marcelle Dadoun at CrossTech World 2023 for a conference that will bring together all the international financial services companies from around the world, as well as new sectors that are changing the face of industries such as Fintech, mobile wallets, and many more. Don’t miss it!
Marcelle will be hosting the below workshops at CrossTech 2023:
Tuesday November 14th: “CTC Compliance Workshop: AML Risk Management” 9:15am, “Compliance Officers Discussion Forum: US, Canada & Europe Regulation Updates” 2pm
Canadian MSB Association (CMSBA) Fall Conference
Join Marcelle Dadoun (Principal, Program Design and Special Advisory) and the CMSBA on November 7th and 8th for the Canadian MSB Association Fall Conference!
Marcelle will be participating in a panel on November 7th titled Getting Ready for Retail Payments Supervision. Additionally, The AML Shop is thrilled to be a sponsor of the Day 1 Networking event. See the full schedule below.
Successful Bank and Fintech Relationships
How can Banks and Fintechs work together?
As technology evolves and the popularity of Fintechs increase, we must consider how traditional Financial Institutions and Fintechs can collaborate as partners.
Join us on September 26th at 1pm ET for a webinar titled “Successful Bank and Fintech Relationships” moderated by Matthew McGuire (Principal and Practice Leader, The AML shop) and featuring panelists Marcelle Dadoun (Principal, Program Design and Special Advisory, The AML Shop) and Buffy Duke (Principal Consultant, DecAid Consulting). In this webinar we will discuss the most important considerations when endeavoring to create synergy between Financial Institutions and Fintechs.
Topics include:
Potential partnership models, objectives and selection criteria
The differences between Financial Institutions and Fintechs
Risk Management for Financial Institutions
How Financial Institutions and Fintechs can align on critical terms
Compliance Considerations
Partnership governance and success factors
Your duped client is sending money to fraudsters: Are you liable? Webinar
Authorized Push Payment Fraud (APP) is becoming an increasing concern to remitting banks and other financial service providers including, credit unions, MSBs, PSPs, cryptocurrency companies, credit unions, banks and securities dealers. When your clients are being duped by fraudsters and funds are transferred successfully, are you liable from a duty of care perspective?
Join Matt McGuire (The AML Shop Practice Leader) and Marc Lemieux (Financial Services Lawyer, Lemieux Law Firm) for a webinar session that will help answer difficult questions and illuminate key topics surrounding APP and duty of care. This webinar will highlight the following important topics:
The definition and scope of APP
Duties of care of remitting banks and other service providers in the presence of indicators of APP fraud
The question of can remitting banks and other service providers shield themselves from liability with a well-drafted exclusion clause?
How compliance programs can appropriately manage APP fraud risk
A discussion on the industry-funded APP fraud indemnity program in the UK
Matt McGuire at Fighting Crime with Big Data Conference
On March 25th, Matt McGuire will join the Fighting Crime with Big Data Conference as a guest speaker leading a discussion titled What Smaller Entities Can Do to Counter Money Laundering and Human Trafficking.
This conference is being organized by the University of Toronto Institute for Management & Innovation’s BIGDataAIHUB in conjunction with Scotiabank. Global experts will be discussing the ways in which big data and artificial intelligence are being used to fight money laundering and more specifically human trafficking.
University of Toronto Mississauga, Innovation Complex 3359 Mississauga Road Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Webinar: Draft Regulatory amendments for 2023 under the PCMLTFA
Webinar Alert!
Big news – Draft Regulatory amendments for 2023 under the PCMLTFA have been announced.
The AML Shop, your expert AML service team, will be presenting a webinar on March 22nd to discuss the draft amendments under the PCMLTFA and how regulated entities will be impacted. Topics include:
- FINTRAC & Admin Expenses of PCMLTFA against reporting entities
- AML/ATF obligations on mortgage lenders and the armoured car sector
- Correspondent banking Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring
- Cross border currency reporting penalties
- Streamlining of documents sent for Administrative Monetary Penalties to reporting entities
- Money Service Businesses enhanced registration framework
- Technical amendments
This webinar will be led by a team of industry and AML experts and will provide vital learnings on these amendments. Register today to secure your spot.
Payment Services Webin
Due to recent regulatory changes, your Payment Services business may now be considered a Money Service Business under the PCMLTFA. Join us on March 1st to discuss everything related to Payment Services from 1pm-3pm EST.
This webinar will be moderated by Michelle Beyo (FINAVATOR and OFNC Interim President) and will feature a panel of industry experts to discuss everything from how to identify if your business needs to comply with the new regulations, how to register with FINTRAC and the positives and challenges of these new changes.
This webinar is not to be missed!
What does as soon as "practicable" mean to you when filing STRs
Many Regulated Entities, including MSBs, still struggle to define what a is “reasonable priority” for filing STRs and how it should be translated into its overall AML Compliance Regime.
On February 24, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM the CMSBA is hosting an event on What as soon as "practicable" mean to you when filing STRs and how to apply it in an AML Compliance Regime.
Join this important discussion with The AML Shop’s Marcelle Dadoun and other industry experts including Rodney McInnes (Outlier), Dwayne King (Grant Thornton), and Joseph Iuso (Bitbuy)
Fraud and The Mortgage Industry
Join Adam Feldman (The AML Shop) and Ryan DeLuca (25th Hour Regulatory Consulting) for this important webinar on February 2nd, 2023.
ACFCS Western Canada Chapter Launch
On October 5th, Matt McGuire (The AML Shop Practice Leader) will present with Lincoln Caylor (Bennett Jones) at ACFCS’s Western Chapter launch event. This event will run from 6:00pm-9:00pm Mountain Time (8:00-11:00pm ET).
At the ACFCS Western Chapter launch, event attendees will be introduced to the board and to the ACFCS certification/program. The event will be a hybrid event taking place in Calgary, Alberta Canada. There will be refreshments and catered light bites during the one-hour network session for in person attendees.
The speakers will be speaking about relevant financial crime topics such as the highly publicized Cullen Report, money laundering trends, corruption, and the dark web. The speakers are business professionals and experts from within the financial crime space.
In this event you will learn:
Investigations and Regulations
Investigations of the Dark Web
Bribery & Corruption
The Cullen Report
Human Trafficking
Tax Evasion
ACFI - 24th Annual Fraud Conference: Best Practices
Join The AML Shop’s Matt McGuire (Practice Leader and Co-founder) at the ACFI 24th Annual Fraud conference for a session titled “The Effectiveness of Emergencies Act Measures Involving Financial Services Cessation and Seizure”.
Building on anti-money laundering controls, the government used the Emergencies Act to enable deputized financial services companies to freeze financial access and assets of Covid protesters in Ottawa. The measures modeled after terrorist financing laws did not involve screening against official lists, but rather a description of a “Designated Person” which necessitated financial services companies to distinguish between illegal and legal protesters, and to rely on press clippings and government agency tip-offs. This session is a debrief on the practical application of those measures and implications to the future of anti-money laundering controls
Practice Management & Tax Conference - CPA Ontario
As part of the Practice Management & Tax Conference hosted by CPA Ontario, join Matt McGuire (The AML Shop, Practice Leader) for a virtual session titled Anti-Money Laundering for Practitioners.
This session will highlight how money launderers exploit the knowledge and training of accountants to clean the proceeds of their crimes. Accountants have a role in detecting, deterring and reporting money laundering to keep our communities safe.
This session will consider:
Money laundering case studies where accountants were unwittingly exploited
Obligations of accountants in anti-money laundering measures
Methods and resources to protect your practice and reputation from money laundering
CPB Canada IGNITE 2022 Conference
SESSION: “ABC’s of KYC and Why You Should Care”
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(CPB Canada IGNITE 2022 Conference)
Session Time: 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Join The AML Shop’s Matt McGuire (Practice Leader and Co-founder) at the CPB Canada IGNITE 2022 Conference for an informative session titled “ABC’s of KYC and Why You Should Care”. As Telpay’s guest speaker, Matt will examine how accountants and bookkeepers are increasingly being relied upon to play a role in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
As a result of FINTRAC's latest anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AML/ATF) guidance and the Cullen Commission findings, knowing your clients (KYC) is more critical than ever for accountants and bookkeepers, especially if they conduct or advise on financial transactions for their clients.
Matt will be covering the following:
How accountants and bookkeepers are exploited to launder money
(wittingly and not)How do you know if you have FINTRAC responsibilities?
What is KYC, why is it important, and when does it happen?
Where does KYC fit in AML/ATF?
Core KYC methods
Why and how KYC measures vary with risk (including the client's industry)
Red flags of money laundering and what to do when you encounter them
Risks to you and your financial services provider if you fail at AML/ATF
By complying with FINTRAC's Know Your Clients (AML/ATF) regulations, money service businesses such as Telpay demonstrate their commitment to protecting the Canadian economy and helping Canada fulfill its global requirements.
For more information on this event or to register, please use the following button.
VIRTUAL EVENT - Most PSPs are now considered MSBs. Have you registered with FINTRAC yet?
On April 27, 2022, new regulations were introduced by the Department of Finance enacting requirements specifically targeted towards Payment Services Providers (PSPs) and crowdfunding platforms. FINTRAC has recently sent a follow-up notice on July 21, 2022, related to the fact that there is an expectation that ALL PSPs, with very few exceptions, register with FINTRAC. The notice can be found here: link
The intent of FINTRAC’s notice is to most likely capture entities that would be covered under the changes coming as part of the new Retail Payments Activity Act. With the rescinding of PI-7760 by FINTRAC, most entities providing third-party payments services must immediately register with FINTRAC.
In this session, industry experts including The AML Shop’s Marcelle Dadoun (AML Advisor) have been brought together to provide information:
Where did this come from and why now?
What does it mean to PSPs and the associated definition?
Consequences of not registering.
Scope of responsibility
Suggested Steps to take
What does it mean to MSB/FMSB who are servicing PSPs or being serviced by PSP?
Following the presentation, there will be a short Q&A/Panel to answer any questions you may have!
Join us on Aug 25/22 from 1-3 pm ET!
Marc Lemieux - Lead counsel at Lemieux Business Law
Amber Scott - Founder & CEO - Outlier Solutions Inc.
Peter Morcos - Founder & Practice Leader - Reliance Compliance Solutions Inc. (RCS)
Duane Tough - Founder - Tough Money Group Ltd.
Susan Han - Partner - WeirFoulds LLP
Joseph Iuso - Executive Director - CMSBA
Marcelle Dadoun - AML advisor- The AML shop
CI’s 21st Annual Canadian Forum on Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference
Canada’s premier AML and financial crime event is back IN-PERSON this June in Toronto. Join key regulators, law enforcement and industry leaders for two days of discussion as we address the most pressing industry challenges through in-depth analysis of the financial crime landscape and industry driven conversations on compliance.
On June 16th at 11:15 am, Matt McGuire will speak on the panel at this conference “Analysis of Cullen Recommendations: Preparing for the Impact of the Report” in light of the Cullen Commission Report.
Gain practical insights into how to identify and mitigate heightened risks with growing AML threats posed by Cryptocurrency
Leverage emerging AML analytics and technologies to strengthen compliance: AI, Machine Learning
Get guidance from FINTRAC and hear upcoming enforcement priorities and compliance expectations
Manage the unique challenges of beneficial ownership, KYC and ID verification obligations
Latest typologies and trends in trade-based money laundering
CAMS Prep Course - In-Person Learning Session
Join The AML Shop (in partnership with ACAMS) on June 2nd in Toronto for an in-person CAMS prep course training session, led by AML industry experts, including Gene DiMira (Chief Identity Officer at The AML Shop and ACAMS Faculty Member). Don’t miss your opportunity to get CAMS certified while learning from best-in-class anti money laundering professionals.
Location: Toronto at Telsec Business Centres, at 18 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 1C4.
Spaces are limited. Register today!
CMSBA Spring Training Event
The Canadian MSB Association Spring Training is back!
The CMSBA Spring Training will take place over two half days and will give you a chance to learn and find out what is new in the industry, while learning new subjects that will help your business from the comfort of your home! You will also be able to network with your peers online.
IIAC Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Conference
Join Matt McGuire (The AML Shop Practice Leader) and Gene DiMira (The AML Shop Chief Identity Officer) at the IIAC Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Conference in Toronto where Canada’s leading AML and financial crime experts will address what you would like to know about issues such as:
– Digital Identification Methods and Testing
– The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Combating Money Laundering and Financial Crimes
– Managing AML and Financial Crime Risk in a Virtual Currency World
– Keynote – Open Banking and its Impact for AML Compliance
– International Money Laundering Trends
– AML Audits – Expectations, Trends and Results
– AML and Financial Crimes Management – How to Prepare for Future Changes
Securities, NFTs and the Changing Regulatory Landscape Panel at the Alberta Technology Symposium
Join The AML Shop Practice Leader Matthew McGuire at the 2022 Canadian Blockchain Consortium’s Alberta Technology Symposium for a panel titled Securities, NFTs and the Changing Regulatory Landscape.
The NFT boom of early 2021 created momentum around blockchain tokens as a powerful way to commoditize assets like art and intellectual property, but the technology’s lightening fast evolution means that NFTs are caught in a regulatory grey area that needs clarity. Consumer and investor protection requires building strong legal and governance policies around token issuances to avoid replicating the disastrous ICO bubble of 2018. The Canadian Blockchain Consortium is joined by industry members and legal experts to shed light on some of the critical issues raised by NFTs and discuss a path forward on market regulation.
Infonex Open Banking Forum - Innovation for the Consumer: Consent Management and Digital ID.
Join The AML Shop’s Chief Identity Officer Eugene DiMira for a session titled: Innovation for the Consumer: Consent Management and Digital ID.
Session Details:
Open Banking has the opportunity to help strengthen relationships between organizations and their customers through enhanced trust, speed, convenience, control and consent.
Discussion topics include:
Who has consumer data?
What does the current consent management process look like?
Consumers need to know what data has, can or will be shared?
How is the data being used?
Need for a standardized process for providing and revoking consent
The importance of collaboration in building an ecosystem approach to digital identity and securing the “lifecycle of credentials.”
Addressing the growing demand for authentication and authorization
Strengthening relationships between organizations and their customers through enhanced trust, speed, convenience, control and consent.
The need for strong security protocols to protect personal information from being identified, accessed or misused.
Current use cases of Digital ID
Benefits Opportunities
Current Status in Canada (BC, Alberta Ontario)
Speaker List:
Eugene DiMira (Chief Identity Officer, The AML Shop)
Neil Butters (AVP, Digital ID and Innovation, Interac Corp)
Doug Woolridge (Vice President, Business Consulting, EPAM